No one can Delete Folder from your Computer

Sometimes someone deletes a folder on the computer, whether it is unknowingly or knowingly. How can we keep our folders safe, no one can delete them. If that folder contains some important files, we can recover it if the file is in the recycle bin, but if we don’t have it in the recycle bin, how can we keep our folder safe, no one can delete it. Now we know that no one can delete a folder on our computer or laptop.

Plz follow few lines of command.

Open notepad in your system, It may be laptop or desktop. After that write two lines of code on Notepad.

@echo off

md con\

Then save as .bat extension (example- nondelete.bat) in a folder. N.B-Save as type should be “All Files”

You should save this file, which folder you make Non delete folder. After that you will find a file in your non delete folder, Click on the file.

After this processes You can not delete manually this folder. If you want delete this folder only write code rd con\ instead of md con\ same as above process. If problem arise comment us.

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